PRIME for Life

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The Basics

In 2010 the Montana Department of Transportation partnered with the Department of Health and Human Services to implement the evidence-based PRIME For Life curriculum as the approved education course for DUI offenders.

Montana law requires those convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs (DUI) to complete chemical dependency assessment, treatment commensurate with the level of dependency found during the evaluation, and an education program. This has commonly been referred to as the “A.C.T. Program”.

- from a 2011 report issued by the Montana Department of Transportation

ADSGC was an early adapter of the Prime For Life curriculum.

In fact, our Director, Shelly Johnson was involved at the state level in changing the ACT course content and won a 2009 Swimming Upstream Award in Public Policy for that work. She’s a trained provider.

According to the PRIME For Life website, it “is an alcohol and drug program for people of all ages. It is designed to gently but powerfully challenge common beliefs and attitudes that directly contribute to high-risk alcohol and drug use. The program goals are to reduce the risk for health problems and impairment problems.”

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