Refresh your parenting tools

What Tools Have You Used From Your Mental Health Tool Box This Week?

check Watched problematic feelings as they came up. Called them by name. Interrupted them.
check Sought input from friends, an appropriate helping professional, or wrote about your feelings.
check Problem-solved difficulties and issues. Looked for self defeating beliefs under chronic issues.
check Made amends to anyone you hurt. Remembered love is being big enough to say you are sorry.
check Listened to constructive criticism. Increased self esteem by learning something useful.
check Interrupted your self-defeating thoughts.
check Let others take responsibility for their problems. Dealt with guilt and needing to intervene.
check Refused to take on the put downs of others. Asserted self and set appropriate

To Teach Children These Skills You Must Use Them Yourself!

check Accepted your angry feelings and expressed them in safe, appropriate ways.
check Looked at a shadow part of self. Owned your projections of anger at others.
check Caught stress build up that preceded addictions use.
check Felt the highs of addiction and called it by name. Observed how addictive behavior was rationalized.
check Stayed with uncomfortable feelings to understand them instead of using a substance or activity to deaden pain.
check Used stress management techniques of deep breathing, meditation, progressive relaxation, etc . . .
check Observed self judging and criticizing others. Broke into control issues and looked at own problems.
check Felt good about achieving self growth and personal power rather than trying to fix others.
checkFocused on respecting others. Enjoyed or accepted differences rather than judging them.
checkFelt universal connection with others. Felt lovable and expressed that love to others.
check When confused, turned to the Higher Self or prayer for answers.

Remember, no matter what the confusion, love is always the answer.

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